Pregled standardov z radijskega področja

Drago Majcen

Namen prispevka je na pregleden in hiter način podati pregled standardizacijskih procesov, ki so potekali v letu 2017 na področju radijskih komunikacij. Ker pa to področje obsega veliko podpodročij (pomorske komunikacije, komunikacije v letalstvu, satelitske komunikacije, navigacijske sisteme in naprave, itd), se bom omejil le na področja radijskih komunikacij, ki jih obravnavajo delovne komisije SIST- ovega tehničnega odbora TC MOC (mobilne komunikacije). Za lažje razumevanje bom začel z definicijo, kaj je standard, kdo in za kaj ga potrebujemo. Sledilo bo nekaj podatkov o zakonskih osnovah standardizacije ter organizacijah, ki s svojimi resolucijami, mandati in drugimi priporočili usmerjajo delo standardizacijskih organov. V predstavitvi bo dan poudarek tudi na prikazu dejavnosti Evropske komisije in njenih generalnih direktoratov ter operativnih organov. Pojasnjeni bodo postopki od priprave, obravnave, sprejemanja do publiciranja dokumentov. Pojasnjene bodo naloge EC in EFTE pri pripravi in sprejemu novih predpisov ter zakonov. Predstavljeni bodo pravni akti, ki se uporabljajo v EU (uredbe, direktive in sklepi) ter podani posamezni primerki vezani na konkretno področje radijskih komunikacij. Sledi predstavitev mednarodnih in evropskih organizacij za standardizacijo kot tudi SIST. Ta sodeluje z ETSI, ki je v Evropi zadolžen za standardizacijo na IKT področju. Poudarek bo na predstavitvi procesov in rezultatov standardizacije na področjih tehničnih delovnih teles ETSI pridruženemu mednarodnemu projektu 3GPP, v sklopu katerega so bile pripravljene tehnične specifikacije, poročila in standardi za vsa najpomembnejša področja evropskega in globalnega projekta 5. generacije mobilne telefonije. V kolikor bo dopuščal čas, bom predstavil plane dela in konkretne rezultate za evropske standarde (EN), tehnične specifikacije (TS) in tehnična poročila (TR) naslednjih tehničnih odborov ETSI: TC RRS, TC EMC, TC BAN, TC BRAN, TC eHealth, TC SES in TC ITS.

Overview of the Radio Standards
The purpose of the paper is to provide an overview of standardization processes that took place in 2017 in the field of Radio communications in a transparent and quick way. However, since this field comprises a lot of subsections (maritime communications, aviation communications, satellite communications, navigation systems and devices, etc.), I will confine myself to the areas of radio communications addressed by the work commissions of the SIST Technical Committee TC MOC (mobile communication ). To help me understand, I will begin with a definition of what is the standard, who and what we need for it. There will be some data on the legal bases of standardization and organizations that, through their resolutions, mandates and other recommendations, direct the work of standardization bodies. The presentation will also focus on the presentation of the activities of the European Commission and its Directorates-General and operational bodies. Procedures will be clarified from preparation, treatment, acceptance to publication of documents. The tasks of the EC and EFTA will be clarified in the preparation and adoption of new regulations and laws. The legal acts used in the EU (regulations, directives and decisions) will be presented, as well as the individual examples given to the specific field of radio communications. This is followed by the presentation of international and European standardization organizations as well as SIST. It cooperates with ETSI, which is in charge of standardization in the ICT field in Europe. The emphasis will be on the presentation of the standardization processes and results in the areas of the ETSI technical working bodies to the associated international project 3GPP, which included technical specifications, reports and standards for all the most important areas of the European and global project of the 5th generation of mobile telephony. If so, I will present the workplaces and the concrete results of the European standards (EN), Technical specifications (TS) and Technical reports (TR) of the following ETSI technical committees: TC RRS, TC EMC, TC BAN, TC BRAN, TC eHealth, TC SES and TC ITS.