Invitation to exhibitors

We kindly invite organizations to participate to the Seminar as exhibitors.

Exhibitors are entitled to large exhibition place - two large tables and two chairs. All exhibition places are equiped with electrical connection and WiFi access to the Internet. Optionally exhibitors may bring their own accessories as for example free standing boards.

Price for an exhibition place is equal to two registration fees (900 € + VAT). Paying the fee you are entitled to free participation on the seminar - at the exhibition place - for two persons.

You should book the exhibition place in advance as number of exhibition places is limited.

Invitation to sponsors

We kindly invite organizations to support our Seminar as a sponsors. This is a good opportunity for companies to promote their business activity to a broad range of listeners, and at the same time support our educational seminar which is dedicated mainly to telecommunication experts. We believe that such educational seminars are inevitable in modern fast developing world.

In return to sponsorship we offer the following:

  • Advertisement in the proceedings.
    At the time of Seminar 150 copies of proceedings in printed and electronic version are published. In proceedings we dedicate some space (one A4 page per company) for advertisement.
  • Advertisement on the seminar web page.
  • Advertisement at the seminar venue place in the form of free standing boards or projections on the big screens during the breaks.
  • Advertisement with your materials inserted in to the seminar bags.

Price for the sponsorship is equal to three participation fees (1350 € + VAT).

For all information regarding the sponsorship, please, send mail to tomi.mlinar[at] or call +386 30 400 660.

The deadline for submitting the materials is 10 January 2016.