Registration Fee

Registration fee for the Seminar is 510 € + 22 % VAT.

Registration fee includes participation on the lectures, electronic version of the proceeding, lunches, snacks and drinks during the breaks. Participants with full participation on the seminar are entitled to a certificate.


Please, register here.

For registration until 15 December 2023 you are entitled to a 10 % discount.
This discount is added to other group discounts.

Author of an article has free entrance on the day of her/his presentation. Author is welcome to be part of the seminar for all three days. In this case she/he is entitled to a 30 % discount on full price.

Organizations with more than 5 participants have 10 % discount.

Organizations with more than 10 participants have 15 % discount.

Organizations with more than 15 participants have 20 % discount.

Please, register yourself until 10 January 2024 the latest, that enough copies of e-proceedings and other material for participants can be prepared. Registration is possible until one day before begining of the seminar, but in this case organizer can not guarantee enough materials and lunch for all.

Once we receive your application form you will get a confirmation and the latest information about the seminar.
Invoice for your participation on the seminar will be sent five days after conclusion of the seminar to the address stated in the application form.


You can deregister from the Seminar until 22 January 2024 without any costs (no registration fee). After this date we charge full registration fee.

Cancellation has to be written and sent to an e-mail tomi.mlinar[at]