Povzetki iz svetovne radijske konference WRC-23

Results of World Radio Conference WRC-23

Janja Varšek & Meta Pavšek Taškov

Predstavljeni so rezultati svetovne radijske konference WRC-23 ki je potekala v Dubaju od 20.11. – 15.12.2023.
Predstavljeni so:
- Strateški cilji Vlade RS
- Rezultati konference, glede na strateške cilje Vlade
- Rezultati glede na pričakovanje EC in CEPT
- Novi pasovi za javne mobilne storitve (IMT)
- Ostale novosti
- Kaj rezultati pomenijo za razvoj radijskih storitev v Republiki Sloveniji

This article presents the results of World Radio Conference WRC-23, which was held in Dubaj from 20.11. – 15.12.2023.
The presentation provides:
- The Government of Republic of Slovenia strategic goals for WRC-23
- WRC-23 results in comparison to the Government’s strategic goals
- WRC-23 results in comparison to EC and CEPT expectations
- New frequency bands for public mobile services (IMT)
- Other news
- What impact will the WRC-23 results have on implementation of radio services in Republic of Slovenia