Razvoj jedra 5G

5G core development

Urban Burnik
Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko

Uvajanje 5G je proces, v katerem so operaterji najprej vzpostavili radijski del omrežja (5G NR) ob podpori obstoječega jedrnega omrežja 4G (EPC). S tem že danes izkoriščamo povečanje kapacitete in zmanjšanje porabe novega radijskega vmesnika, za večino naprednih funkcionalnosti omrežja pete generacije pa bomo potrebovali povsem prenovljeno omrežje z jedrom 5G (5GC). Brez samostojnega jedra storitev 5G, ki obsegajo izboljšani mobilni širokopasovni dostop, kritične komunikacije ter množični IoT ne bi mogli zagotoviti. Ogledali si bomo razvoj funkcionalnosti jedrnega mobilnega omrežja dosedanjih generacij, ki kulminira v jedro 5G. Predstavili bomo ključne gradnike in funkcije 5GC s poudarkom na storitveno usmerjeni arhitekturi in implementaciji jedra 5G v oblaku.

5G deployment is a process in which operators first set up the radio part of the network (5G NR) supported by the existing 4G core network (EPC). With this, we are already taking advantage of the increased capacity and reduced consumption of the new radio interface, and for most of the advanced functionalities of the fifth generation network, we will need a completely renewed network with a 5G core (5GC). Without an independent core, 5G services, which include improved mobile broadband access, critical communications and mass IoT, could not be provided. We will look at the evolution of the functionality of the core mobile network of previous generations, culminating in the core of 5G. We will present the key building blocks and functions of 5GC with a focus on Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) and the implementation of the 5G core in the cloud.