Možne izvedbe zasebnih mobilnih kampus omrežij

Possible implementations of private mobile campus networks

Matjaž Beričič, Kristijan Melinc
Telekom Slovenije

Ključna veja razvoja 5G je 5G za industrijo, poslovno kritično uporabo ali kritično infrastrukturo. Prispevek povzema vlogo 5G v industriji in razloge čemu uporabiti zasebno oziroma nejavno 5G omrežje v proizvodnji. V sklopu tega povzema ključne koncepte 3GPP in 5G-ACIA, ki sistematično opredeljujejo zahteve, primere uporabe in izvedbene variante. Znotraj 5G-ACIA obstaja obsežna dokumentacija tehničnih vidikov za nejavna 5G omrežja za industrijske scenarije, glede varnosti, integracije industrijskih Ethernet omrežij s 5G omrežji, časovno-občutljiva sinhronizirana omrežja ipd. 3GPP predvideva dva tipa in štiri scenarije izvedbe nejavnih zasebnih omrežij. Pomembno je kako izbrati ustrezen scenarij glede na storitvene atribute primerov uporabe. Ob tem so pomembni vidiki glede frekvenčnega spektra, identitet in operativnega, pa tudi poslovnega modela. Prednosti izoliranega zasebnega mobilnega omrežja so zanesljivost, zmogljivost in varnost, kar pa zahteva ustrezne kompetence načrtovanja in upravljanja ter varovanja celotne rešitve. Te kompetence imamo napredni operaterji omrežij. Telekom Slovenije je vzpostavil 5G demonstracijski center za zasebna mobilna omrežja - INO.LAB, kjer lahko s partnerji razvijamo in preizkušamo različne rešitve za konkretne potrebe.

A key branch of 5G development is 5G for industry, business critical use or critical infrastructure. The paper summarizes the role of 5G in industry and the reasons for using a private or non-public 5G network in production. As part of this, it summarizes the key concepts of 3GPP and 5G-ACIA, which systematically define requirements, use cases and implementation variants. Within 5G-ACIA here is extensive documentation of technical aspects for non-public 5G networks for industrial scenarios, regarding security, integration of industrial Ethernet networks with 5G networks, time-sensitive synchronized networks, etc. 3GPP envisages two types and four implementation scenarios of non-public private networks. It is important how to choose the appropriate scenario according to the service attributes of the use cases. At the same time, there are important aspects regarding the frequency spectrum, identities and operational, as well as the business model. The advantages of an isolated private mobile network are reliability, performance and security, which requires adequate planning and management competences, as well as the security of the entire solution. Advanced network operators have these competencies. Telekom Slovenije has established a 5G demonstration center for private mobile networks - INO.LAB, where we can develop and test different solutions for specific needs with our partners.