5G Advanced in pot proti 6G

5G Advanced and path towards 6G

Ivan Lesić

Prispevek obravnava glavne evolucijske korake od 5G preko 5G-Advanced do 6G. Ker povpraševanje po podatkih narašča, mora 5G, kot glavna tehnologija, v prihodnjih letih nadaljevati z nenehnim razvojem na področju novih omrežnih storitev, primerov uporabe in funkcionalnosti. Ogledali si bomo trenutne standardizacijske načrte, mejnike implementacije in kako bo 5G-Advanced pripomogel k zagotavljanju boljših storitev industriji in drugim uporabnikom. Ker je zadnji korak v razvoju 5G uvedba 6G, bomo obdelali tudi trenutni časovni načrt in ustrezne tehnološke vidike, ki naj bi bili pomembni za komercialno uvedbo 6G.

During the presentation major evolutionary steps of 5G, over 5G-advanced towards 6G will be outlined. As demand for data is growing, 5G as mainstream technology for incoming years has to continue with continuous development in the domain of new network services, use cases and functionalities. We will take a look at current standardization plans, implementation milestones and how 5G-advance will help deliver better service to industry and consumers. As the final moment of 5G evolution is the introduction of 6G, we will also elaborate current time plan and relevant technology aspects expected to be important for 6G commercial introduction.