Izkušnje z izgradnjo in upravljanjem omrežij WLAN po slovenskih šolah
Experience with the construction and management of WLANs at Slovenian schools
August Jauk
Uporaba IKT postaja predpogoj za uspešen pedagoški proces. Ker sodobni mobilni odjemalci opuščajo žične priključke, je izgradnja zmogljivih
in varnih WiFi omrežij nujna. V prispevku bo predstavljen projekt vzpostavitve tovrstnih omrežij na 950 lokacijah slovenskih
vzgojno-izobraževalnih zavodov v obdobju 2018-2020. Poudarek bo na procesu izgradnje in tehničnih zahtevah ter izkušnjah s centralnim upravljanjem
celotne postavitve.
The use of ICT is becoming a prerequisite for a successful pedagogical process. As modern mobile devices do not have wired ports, the construction
of powerful and secure WiFi networks is essential. The paper will present a project for the establishment of such networks at
950 locations of Slovenian educational institutions in the period 2018-2020. The focus will be on the construction and technical requirements
for the networks as well as lessons learned with the central management of the entire system.