Antenski sistem z več vhodi in več izhodi

Multiple Input Mulutiple Output - MIMO Technologies

Jure Janez Markovič, Boštjan Batagelj

Optimizacija obstoječih komunikacijskih sistemov je privedla do raziskovanja komunikacijskih sistemov z več vhodi in več izhodi (angl. Multiple Input Multiple Output – MIMO). V zadnjih desetletjih se namreč soočamo s problemi v obliki fizikalnih omejitev, ki jih klasični sistemi ne morejo več prebroditi. MIMO tehnologija ponuja alternativo, ki je razmeroma ugodna ter ne zahteva velikih posegov v frekvenčni prostor.

Optimization of existing communication systems has led to the research of Multiple Input Multiple Output – MIMO technologies. Despite constant advancements, in recent decades we have encountered various problems in the form of physical limitations that cannot be overcomed. Therefore, a demand for new solutions had risen. Communication systems with multiple inputs and multiple outputs offer an alternative that is relatively affordable and does not demand larger bandwidth.