Standardizacija na področju tehnologije DECT

Standardization in the field of DECT technology

Drago Majcen

ETSI DECT-2020 je prva necelična tehnologija 5G na svetu, ki je prejela odobritev ITU-R in s tem postala zgled za možnost povezljivosti različnih tehnologij in omrežij. DECT - Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication je tehnologija, ki je nastala kot evropska pobuda, zdaj ponovno hitro osvaja svet telekomunikacij. Prednosti, ki jih ponuja ta visokokakovostna tehnologija dostopa, priznava vse več uporabnikov, regulatorjev, standardizacijskih organov, operaterjev omrežij in proizvajalcev opreme. DECT se je izkazal z večkratno uporabnostjo kot dostop do omrežja v stanovanjskih, poslovnih in javnih okoljih, saj kaže enostavno mobilnost, kakovost govora, primerljivo s klasično žično telefonijo, visoko raven varnosti z napredno digitalno tehnologijo in šifriranjem, kar omogoča visoko gostoto naročnikov, prilagodljivo dodeljevanje pasovne širine, podporo za več storitev, cenovno konkurenčnost, prilagodljivo uvajanje in enostavno namestitev. V predstavitvi bom prikazal začetke razvoja te brezvrvične tehnologije in njen nadaljnji razvoj skozi desetletja uporabe.
Predstavil bom priprave in realizacijo procesov standardizacije posameznih faz in generacij DECTa. Na kratko bom razložil standardizacijsko delo v ETSI in sodelovanje ostalih mednarodnih organizacij( CEPT, ESPA, DECT FORUM, ITU) pri opredelitvi profilov, specifičnih za aplikacije in prihodnji razvoj ter uporabo DECT tehnologije.
Osnovni standard DECT tehnologije so pripravili člani Evropskega inštituta za telekomunikacijske standarde ETSI. V tehničnem pododboru STC RES-03, ETSI Radijska oprema in sistemi 03 evropski proizvajalci telekomunikacijske opreme, sistemski operaterji in regulatorji sodelujejo pri opredelitvi in razvoju standardov DECT. Poleg ETSI je v proces standardizacije DECT vključenih več drugih organov. Komisija Evropske skupnosti zagotavlja znatno podporo z zagotavljanjem zakonodaje, potrebne za vzpostavitev (v povezavi s CEPT ERC) skupne dodelitve frekvenc in (v sodelovanju z odborom ACTE) z omogočanjem vseevropske uskladitve regulativnega okolja za izdelke DECT.

Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunication (DECT), the technology originated as a European initiative is now rapidly conquering the telecommunications world. The benefits offered by this high quality access technology are recognised by more and more users, regulators, standardisation bodies, network operators, and equipment manufacturers. DECT has proven multiple applicability as a network access in residential, business and public environments showing easy mobility, speech quality comparable to wireline telephony, a high level of security through advanced digital technology and encryption, allowing for high subscriber densities, flexible bandwidth allocation, multiple service support, cost competitiveness, flexible deployment and simple installation. Presentation introduces the DECT standard and explains its main operating principles. The standardisation work in ETSI on the definition of application specific profiles and future evolutions in DECT is shortly explained. The members of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute (ETSI) have developed the DECT standard. In ETSI Sub Technical Committee Radio Equipment and Systems 03 (STC RES-03), European telecommunications equipment manufacturers, system operators and regulators work together on the definition and evolution of the DECT standards. In addition to ETSI, several other bodies are involved in the DECT standardisation process. The Commission of the European Community provides considerable support by providing the legislation needed to establish (in conjunction with CEPT ERC) a common frequency allocation and (in conjunction with the ACTE committee) by enabling European wide harmonisation of the regulatory environment for DECT products. After the first edition of the DECT standard was available in 1992, the DECT standardisation work concentrated on the definition of the Generic Access Profile (GAP) and other interworking profiles (DECT/GSM, DECT/ISDN, DECT/Radio Local Loop, CTM and several data profiles). This work and additional demands from the DECT market initiated several extensions and enhancements to the base standard enabling even more effective application of DECT products which led to the 2nd edition of the base standard being finalised by the end of 1995. The DECT common interface standard has a layered structure and is contained in ETS 300 175, Parts 1 to 8. It is a comprehensive set of requirements, protocols and messages providing implementers with the ability to create network a ccess profiles (protocol subsets) to be able to access virtually any type of telecommunications network. To stimulate interoperability between DECT equipment from different manufacturers ETSI members started to work on the definition of standard interworking profiles by the end of 1993. The Generic Access Profile GAP was the first profile, completed in 1994. It contains the protocol subset required for the basic telephony service in residential cordless telephones, business wireless PABX, and public access applications; it provides the basis for all other DECT speecifiments.