An overview of technologies and research challenges in Industrial Internet of Things

Gordana Gardašević
Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Banja Luka, BiH

The Internet of Things (IoT) interconnection of a wide variety of devices of any size, at any distance, and providing performances similar like those in wired deterministic networks, posed a strict requirements in terms of data transmission reliability, energy efficiency, throughput, and delay bounds. The concept of deterministic wireless networking assumes precise clock synchronization and flow scheduling, optimized bandwidth usage, and advanced Quality of Service (QoS) guarantees both for data and control traffic. In order to support these requirements in Industrial IoT (IIoT) networks and to involve broad research community in standardization activities, open-software and open-hardware prototyping and development has become of crucial interest. This presentation will provide the overview of technologies, architectures, standardization activities and challenges in the emerging field of IIoT.