Planiranje heterogenih mobilnih omrežij

Žiga Kavkler
A1 Slovenija

V pričujočem prispevku si bomo ogledali lastnosti heterogenih mobilnih omrežij in nekatere izzive pri njihovem načrtovanju. Največ pozornosti bomo usmerili uporabi različnih frekvenčnih pasov in tehnologij pri soočanju z ekstremnim porastom podatkovnega prometa v zadnjih letih in v letih, ki prihajajo. Poleg tega se bomo dotaknili različnih vrst storitev, katerim so in bodo namenjena mobilna omrežja.

Planning of heterogeneous networks
In the forthcoming paper we will take a look at the basics of heterogeneous mobile networks and present some considerations with the planning of such networks. The focus will be on the use of different frequency bands and technologies when challenged by the extreme growth of data traffic in the past years and the years to come. We will also present some planning views when dealing with different types of services being provided by the radio network today and in the near future.