Vzporedno računanje vidnosti, Fresnelovih con in radijskih predikcij na grafični kartici

Andrej Osterman
Telekom Slovenije, d.d.

Parallel visibility, Fresnel-zones and radio propagation calculation using graphics processing units
Three parallel algorithms were formulated: modified R2 parallel algorithm for calculating visibility (R2-P), algorithm for calculating Fresnel zone clearance (FZC), algorithm for calculating Fresnel zone transverse intersection between the transmitter and the receiver (FZTI). The R2 parallel algorithm was developed based on the established R2 sequential algorithm for computing visibility. Calculation time is reduced from the order of a few minutes to the order of a couple of seconds. This, in practice, means that there is a possibility of interactive work. In addition to the viewshed, Fresnel zone clearance is very useful for planning the radio coverage. The algorithm for each point of the terrain calculates the first clear Fresnel zone. The result is a digital map with the plotted areas of Fresnel zone clearance. This map provides better information about the radio signal than just a calculation of the viewshed. With modifications, such as the introduction of the Friis transmission equation and consideration of the radiation pattern, the algorithm becomes a simple radio propagation model and thus is suitable for the calculation of radio coverage. Calculation of the radio propagation is compared with the measured values on a field for frequencies of 90 MHz (FM), 800 MHz (LTE) and 1800 MHz (LTE). The algorithm for calculating Fresnel zone transverse intersection between the transmitter and the receiver produces an image of Fresnel zones, which represents the mathematical section of all scale cross-sectional Fresnel zones along the transmission path. The result is a visual image that shows the characteristics of the radio link in terms of masking individual Fresnel zones. All three algorithms were implemented as GRASS GIS modules and can be used on any PC.

Vzporedno računanje vidnosti, Fresnelovih con in radijskih predikcij na grafični kartici
Izdelani so trije vzporedni algoritmi: modificiran vzporedni R2 algoritem za računanje vidnosti (R2-P), algoritem za izračun zakrivanj Fresnel-ovih con (FZC), algoritem za izračun prečnega preseka Fresnel-ovih con med oddajnikom in sprejemnikom (FZTI). Na osnovi uveljavljenega sekvenčnega R2 algoritma za računanje vidnosti je razvit modificiran vzporedni R2-P algoritem, ki za pohitritev delovanja poleg mnogo-nitja izkorišča še druge uporabne lastnosti grafično procesne enote. Čas izračuna je zmanjšan iz reda nekaj minut na red nekaj sekund, kar omogoča interaktivno delo. Algoritem FZC izračuna karto z izrisanimi območji zakrivanj Fresnel-ovih con. Z modifikacijami, kot so vpeljava Friis-ove enačbe, upoštevanje smernega diagrama anten in upoštevanjem rabe tal, postane algoritem enostaven propagacijski radijski model. Algoritem FZTI izračuna matematični presek vseh skaliranih prečnih presekov Fresnel-ovih con vzdolž radijske poti. Rezultat je vizualna slika, ki pokaže lastnosti radijske (link-ovske) zveze v smislu zakritja posameznih Fresnel-ovih con. Vsi trije algoritmi so implementirani kot GRASS GIS moduli in se lahko uporabljajo na vsakem osebnem računalniku, ki ima vgrajeno grafično procesno enoto CUDA NVIDIA in naloženo ustrezno prosto-dostopno programsko opremo.