Izzivi na poti do nove generacije komunikacij

Alojz Hudobivnik

Gaps on the road to the next generation of communications
Networks of the fifth generation (5G) will be designed to meet a variety of existing and emerging needs of the new structure of users. It is evident that the realization of 5G requires modified architecture of the entire network and the use of completely new technologies and concepts. The ITU-T FG IMT2020 made in 2015 an analysis and overview of the current challenges in the field of standardization of 5G, which must be appropriately addressed. In my article I will present more details about these findings.

Izzivi na poti do nove generacije komunikacij
Zainteresirana javnost je že predstavila poglede na pričakovanja od pete generacije omrežij. Omrežja pete generacije (5G) bodo namenjena zadovoljevanju različnih obstoječih in novih potreb nove strukture uporabnikov. Vidi se, da bo realizacija 5G v praksi zahtevala spremenjeno arhitekturo celotnega omrežja in uporabo povsem novih tehnologij in konceptov. V ITU-T FG IMT2020 smo se v letu 2015 lotili analize in pregleda odprtih izzivov na področju standardizacije 5G, ki jih je potrebno ustrezno rešiti. V prispevku bom podrobneje spregovoril o teh ugotovitvah.